5 Ways I Use ChatGPT to Level Up My Writing

Your Social Media Strategy
2 min read4 days ago


Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

After 8+ years in the social media game, I’ve learned a thing or two about crafting content that hits hard. But even seasoned pros need a secret weapon. Mine? ChatGPT.

Here’s how I use it to take my writing from meh to mind-blowing:

1. Hook Generation: Because First Impressions Matter

Let’s be real. I suck at hooks. But in the fast-paced world of social media, you’ve got seconds to grab attention. That’s where ChatGPT comes in.

I feed it my ideas, and it spits out hook options faster than you can say “viral post.” It’s like having a creative genius on speed dial, minus the attitude.

2. Simplification: Ditch the Jargon, Keep the Impact

Here’s a hard truth: complexity kills engagement. But after years of crafting strategies and managing campaigns, sometimes I forget how to speak human.

My fix? I drop my post into ChatGPT and ask for a version with lower readability. It strips away the fluff and gives me clear, punchy content that resonates.

3. Condensation: Short and Sweet Wins the Feed

In social media, brevity isn’t just the soul of wit — it’s the key to engagement. But cutting content is like cutting your own hair. It’s messy, and you always take off too much or too little.

ChatGPT helps me see where the fluff is. I ask it to shorten my posts, and boom — I’ve got a concise version that packs the same punch in half the words.

4. Structure: Turn Chaos into Clarity

Ever have a million ideas bouncing around your head, but can’t figure out how to organize them? Yeah, me too. It’s like trying to herd cats — while juggling.

Here’s what I do: I dump all my thoughts into ChatGPT and ask it to structure them into a coherent post. It’s like having a personal content architect, turning my mental mess into a sleek, shareable structure.

5. Formatting: Because Presentation is Everything

In the world of social media, how you say something is just as important as what you’re saying. But sometimes, I get stuck in a rut, using the same old formats.

ChatGPT shows me different ways to present my ideas. I pick the clearest one, and suddenly, my content is fresh, engaging, and impossible to scroll past.

These 5 techniques aren’t just helpful — they’re game-changers when you need to:

  • Visualize your content in different ways
  • Compare multiple versions to find the best
  • Give structure to your scattered thoughts

💡 Hey, my name is Frank Velasquez. I’m a social media strategist and consultant.

→ Find me on LinkedIn.

→ Get a FREE GPT to build faster strategies HERE

