The Content Creation Pitfall: What Not to Do in Your First 90 Days

Your Social Media Strategy
3 min readAug 26, 2024


Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Diving into content creation? Hold up. Let me tell you something — it’s not just about what you do, but what you don’t do that can make or break your success. After 8+ years in social media, I’ve seen countless brands crash and burn because they didn’t get this right from the start.

The Don’ts of Content Creation

Before we dive into what you should be doing, let’s talk about what you shouldn’t:

Don’t Imitate Your Competitors

I get it. You see a brand killing it and think, “If I do exactly what they’re doing, I’ll get the same results.” Wrong. Your audience can smell inauthenticity from a mile away. I once had a client who insisted on copying their main competitor’s content style. Guess what? Their engagement tanked. People followed them for their unique perspective, not for being a carbon copy of someone else.

Avoid a Random Posting Schedule

Posting whenever you feel like it? That’s a surefire way to get lost in the noise. Your audience needs consistency to build a relationship with you.

Ditch the Scattered Content Strategy

If your content strategy looks like a game of darts played blindfolded, you’re doing it wrong. Without focus, you’re just shouting into the void.

Your First 90 Days: Building a Strong Foundation

Now, let’s talk about what you should be doing in your first 90 days of content creation:

1. Embrace Consistency

Find your rhythm and stick to it. Maybe it’s daily posts, maybe it’s three times a week. Whatever it is, make it yours.

Why? Regularity builds trust and anticipation. Your audience will start looking forward to your content. I had a client who went from sporadic posting to a consistent three-times-a-week schedule. Within a month, their engagement rate doubled.

2. Dive Deep into Your Audience

This isn’t just about demographics. Get to know their:

  • Needs
  • Pain points
  • Wants

How? Engage with them. Ask questions. Run polls. Slide into their DMs (respectfully, of course). The more you know about your audience, the more valuable your content becomes.

3. Find Your Voice

Stand out by being authentically you. Your voice is your superpower. It’s what makes you different from every other content creator out there.

I once worked with a B2B company that was afraid to show personality in their posts. We injected some humor and personal stories into their content. Result? Their LinkedIn following grew by 200% in three months.

4. Concentrate on One Platform

Master one platform before expanding to others. Each social media platform has its own language, culture, and quirks. Trying to be everywhere at once is a recipe for mediocrity.

Pick the platform where your audience hangs out most. For B2B? Probably LinkedIn. For visual products? Instagram or TikTok might be your jam.

The Takeaway


  • Uniqueness trumps imitation every time
  • Mastery beats volume
  • Focus wins over diffusion

Build your foundation strong, and then expand. It’s not about being everywhere; it’s about being impactful where you are.

The Hard Truth

Look, content creation isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s a grind. But if you focus on these fundamentals in your first 90 days, you’ll be miles ahead of the competition.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking more is better. Quality always wins in the long run. I’ve seen brands post 3 times a day and get nowhere, while others post twice a week and build a loyal, engaged following.

Your content strategy isn’t about following trends or copying what’s working for others. It’s about finding your unique voice and using it consistently to provide value to your audience.

Remember, in content creation, the riches are in the niches. Don’t try to appeal to everyone. Find your people and serve them well.

P.S. Do you work on Sundays? I don’t anymore. Found out the hard way that burnout is real, even in content creation. Take time to recharge — your content will thank you for it. What’s your content creation schedule look like?

💡 Hey, my name is Frank Velasquez. I’m a social media strategist and consultant.

→ Find me on LinkedIn.

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Your Social Media Strategy
Your Social Media Strategy

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